Minatchy D Brian

time to wake up

How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?

Proverbs 6.9

The World is lying to You.
Be Yourself, be Emotional, BE WEAK!
We’re in 2024 brother, and it’s time to WAKE UP.
Unless you want to eat bugs and marry a transexual…
Now, What will YOU do?
The World is lying to you.
Be Yourself, be Emotional, BE WEAK!
We’re in 2024 brother, and it’s time to Wake up.
Unless you want to eat bugs and marry a transgender…
Now, What will You do?

The Lie

Men and women are the same.
If you live in the West, you’ve probably heard it a lot.
“Be Independent, be Strong, you don’t need no men.”
That’s pretty much what they got girls chanting now.
While we’re told to :
“Stop being toxic, be Emotional, Follow your feelings.”
Do you see the pattern?
There’re clearly trying to push something, but why?

The Lie

Men and women are the same.
If you live in the West, you’ve probably heard this a lot.
“Be Independent, be Strong, you don’t need no men.”
That’s pretty much what they got girls chanting now.
While we’re told to :
“Stop being toxic, be Emotional, Follow your feelings.”
Do you see the pattern?
There’re clearly trying to push something, but why?

seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.

Clown World

If you think they’re trying to turn men into women and vice versa,
You’re 100% right, I mean just look at what we got today.
Broken families, 748+ genders, and a generation of “Boss bae” raking higher body counts than professional trained killers…
Try to call it out, and they will cancel you while screaming MISOGYNIST (They don’t even know what it means btw).
On the flip side, men’s Testosterone level is the lowest ever recorded.
Just wait, and we will be the ones wearing dresses and putting on make-up…

Clown World

If you think they’re trying to turn men into women and vice versa,
You’re 100% right, I mean just look at what we got today.
Broken families, 748+ genders, and a generation of “Boss bae” raking higher body counts than professional trained killers…
Try to call it out, and they will cancel you while screaming MISOGYNIST (They don’t even know what it means btw).
On the flip side, men’s Testosterone level is the lowest ever recorded.
Just wait, and we will be the ones wearing dresses and putting on make-up…

As iron sharpens iron, So one person sharpens another.

The 2024 Manlet

Do you want the cold truth?
Many of you are either:
Fat, depressed, social media/video games junkies, or spending all their savings on OF.
While others are:
Addicted to porn, alcohol, parties or/and drugs (yes weed is one, stop lying to yourself)
Now, do these help you become a better leader?
A better role-model? A better man?
And if yes, why is the world a degenerate circus then?
Let’s be real, we’ve all been led astray…
And we’ve let them push their buffoonery upon us.
So, what do we do now?

The 2024 Manlet

Want the cold truth? Many of you are either:
Fat, depressed, social media/video games junkies, or spending all their savings on OF.
While others are:
Addicted to porn, alcohol, parties or/and drugs (yes weed is one, stop lying to yourself)
Now, do these help you become a better leader?
A better role-model? A better man?
And if yes, why is the world a degenerate circus then?
Let’s be real, we’ve all been led astray…
And we’ve let them push their buffoonery upon us.
So, what do we do now?

As iron sharpens iron, So one person sharpens another.

make your stand

Time to wake up, brother.
Drop the weed, the Cheetos, and get back to our original purpose.
I mean, do you even know why the Lord created us?
And no, I am not talking about money, fame, and lifestyle like all the other “gurus.”
You can get that too, don’t get me wrong.
But first, we need to focus on God.
Follow his lead, become dependable leaders, and stand up for what’s right.
Like David did when he had to fight the Giant Goliath.
We have to become Biblically Masculine.

Iron Sharpen Irons

Time to wake up, brother.
Drop the weed, the Cheetos, and get back to our original purpose.
I mean, do you even know why the Lord created us?
And no, I am not talking about money, fame, and lifestyle like all the other “gurus.”
You can get that too, don’t get me wrong.
But first, we need to focus on God.
Follow his lead, become dependable leaders, and stand up for what’s right.
Like David did when he had to fight the Giant Goliath.
We have to become Biblically Masculine.


Together we will work on the 5 main Pillars of Biblical Masculinity, and give you the tools you need Today to Stand Up against the World.

how will this change my life?

Glad you asked!
Here is what Biblical Masculinity can do for you.
business man motivated leader
Want your peers to look up to you?
Praised for you righteousness,
And bring more of them to Christ?
Good, you’re at the right place.
mixed family business man strong masculinity leadership
Defy the modern norm.
Find a God-fearing woman,
Who will support you in your mission
In a union blessed by the Lord.
street preaching business man masculinity faith zeal
Share your faith with the world.
Help other believers on their journey.
Expose the work of darkness,
and grow spiritually.

Your Life - Your Choice

So, what now? You basically have two options:
1 – You can ignore everything you’ve read,
Pick up your phone, grab a bag of Doritos,
Watch some E-girls dance on Tik-Tok for 8 hours straight,
And then cry on Reddit about how ‘wokeness’ is ruining the world.
2- You take matters into your own hands now.
Click the button below
And become the man God meant you to be.
The ball is in your court, brother.
Do you want to stay a slave?

Your Life Your Choice

So what now? You basically have two options
1 – You can ignore everything you’ve read,
pick up your phone, grab a bag of Doritos,
watch some E-girls dance on Tik-Tok for 8 hours straight,
and then cry on Reddit about how ‘wokeness’ is ruining the world.
2- You take matters into your own hands now.
Click the button below
And become the man God meant you to be.
The ball is in your court, brother.
Do you want to stay a slave?


Before you message me, you need to know one last thing.
If you’re just looking for a quick fix or plan on making a bunch of excuses,
Just leave.
This not a joke, I only help people who are serious about changing their lives and following Christ.
There’re plenty of self-help gurus out there; I’m sure you’ll find what you need.
Now, if you’re ready to walk the walk.


Lies, Deceit, Wickedness.

Today, Evil is called good and good is deemed Evil.

What are you going to do?

Ignore the truth?

Or Stand-up for what’s right, and fight the Evil of this World?

stay connected

Your Competitive Advantage in a World of Darkness