Minatchy D Brian

the great deception

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Hosea 4:6

Do you want the Truth?
Or prefer to live in a Lie?
Because you are about to Discover
The Biggest Deception in History.
Do you want the Truth?
Or prefer to live in a Lie?
You are about to Discover
The Biggest Deception in History.

the fall of the west

Is humanity actually moving forward?
Let’s be real for a moment.
We’ve got a nuclear conflict looming over our heads,
Governments busy pushing their 37 Covid booster shots instead of helping their people;
And an army of blue-haired rainbow crusaders fighting tooth and nail
To send grown-up men wearing dresses into our kindergarten
So they can push their degenerate ideology.
Are all these just coincidences?
Or could it be that…

The Fall of the West

Is humanity actually moving forward?
Let’s be real for a moment.
We’ve got a nuclear conflict looming over our heads,
Governments busy pushing their 37 Covid booster shots instead of helping their people;
And an army of blue-haired rainbow crusaders fighting tooth and nail
To send grown-up men wearing dresses into our kindergarten
So they can push their degenerate ideology.
Are all these just coincidences?
Or could it be that…

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil

Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness

A Universal Message

Let’s take a step back,
Sit down and think for a moment.
All these people we follow and listen to,
Aren’t they all preaching the same message?
Take feminism, for example – If it was really about sex equality,
Why do we have dudes like Lia Thomas transitioning into a girl,
And crushing every single women world record?
And worst, why on earth does the World glorify Him?
Want to stand up and talk about it?
Well, let’s see how long it takes for them to call you a bigot

And take you down from all platform.

A Universal Message

Let’s take a step back,
Sit down and think for a moment.
All these people we follow, and listen to
Aren’t they all preaching the same message?
Take feminism, for example – If it was really about sex equality
Why do we have dudes like Lia Thomas transitioning into a girl,
And crushing every single women world record?
And worst, why on earth does the World glorify Him for it?
Want to stand up and talk about it?
Well, let’s see how long it takes for them to call you a bigot
And take you down from all platform.

Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

follow the money

Do you want to find out who’s pushing all that stuff?
Simple, just follow the money.
And when you do, guess what?
Big banks, big pharma, the media, Hollywood, the music labels, and basically all the major industries;
They are owned by the same people.
Want some proofs?
Do a quick google search on ESG, Soros, Blackrock and Klaus Schwab.
It might give you a hint of what I’m talking about.
But instead of doing an hour-long exposé on that,
let’s ask ourselves this simple question instead:
Why would they push this kind of stuff?

Follow the Money

Do you want to find out who’s pushing all that stuff?
Simple, just follow the money.
And when you do, guess what?
Big banks, big pharma, the media, Hollywood, the music labels, and basically all the major players
They are owned by the same people.
Want some proofs?
Do a quick google search on ESG, Soros, Blackrock and Klaus Schwab.
It might give you a hint of what I’m talking about.
But instead of doing an hour-long exposé on that,
let’s ask ourselves this simple question instead:
Why would they push this kind of stuff?

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes

And clever in their own sight!

an agenda

Is it for money, or power maybe?
Well, they can print the first and have the second.
I mean just check what they did during the “plandemic”.
No, what they want is total chaos,
To lead us down a path of degeneracy,
A path where we follow our own truth,
A path without GOD.
Take the theory of Evolution and what they did to the rainbow flag.
Everything they push is against the Bible,
Everything they do goes against the Lord.
I mean, do you see how they openly mock Jesus today?
They don’t do that with Muhammad, Buddha, or Ganesha.
No, they want us to ignore the only One Truth.
But why, you ask?
No worries, we’re getting there, dear friend.

An Agenda

Is it for money, or power maybe?
Well, they can print the first and have the second.
No, what they want is total chaos,
To lead us down a path of degeneracy,
A path where we follow our own truth,
A path without GOD.
Take the theory of Evolution and what they did to the rainbow flag.
Everything they push is against the Bible,
Everything they do goes against the Lord.
I mean, do you see how they openly mock Jesus today?
They don’t do that with Muhammad, Buddha, or Ganesha.
No, they want us to ignore the only One Truth.
But why, you ask?
No worries, we’re getting there, dear friend.

Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine,

And valiant men in mixing intoxicating drink,

One WAY Ticket to Hell

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
The crazy part?
People actually believe he was the good guy now…
The truth? Satan already lost a while ago and will end up in the lake of fire when Jesus returns.
And he knows it – So what does he do?
Drag as many people down to hell with him, of course!
How, you ask?
Simple, he gives riches and power to people,
Who in turn, do his bidding and deceive us.
Take the music industry for instance;
Taylor Swift, Billie Ellish, Travis Scott, Lil Nas X…
Aren’t they openly promoting him?
What about Hollywood, Big bankers and our beloved politicians?
Yup, They all walk hand in hand together,

With one very specific goal in mind.

Make you deny Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior.

One Ticket to Hell

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
The crazy part?
People actually believe he was the good guy now…
The truth? Satan already lost a while ago and will end up in the lake of fire when Jesus returns.
And he knows it – So what does he do?
Drag as many people down to hell with him, of course!
How, you ask?
Simple, he gives riches and power to people,
Who in turn, do his bidding and deceive us
Take the music industry for instance;
Taylor Swift, Billie Ellish, Travis Scott, Lil Nas X…
Aren’t they openly promoting him?
What about Hollywood, Big bankers and our beloved politicians?
Yup, They all walk hand in hand together,
With one very specific goal in mind.
Make you deny Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior.

Who declare the wicked innocent for a bribe,

And take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!

last hope

It doesn’t have to be that way.
No, we don’t have to let the great deception continue.
Together we can make our stand and fight for what is right,
Help people find the Way, the Truth and the Life.
But let me ask you this,
What are you going to do?
Ignore the truth, go back to watching cat videos on Tik Tok,
And let them turn your son into a daughter?
Or expose the lies and work of darkness?

A last hope

It doesn’t have to be that way.
No, we don’t have to let the great deception continue.
Together we can make our stand and fight for what is right,
Help people find the Way, the Truth and the Life.
But let me ask you this,
What are you going to do?
Ignore the truth, go back to watching cat videos on Tik Tok,
And let them turn your son into a daughter?
Or expose the lies and work of darkness?

Are you ready to make your stand?

Decide Now and choose the Path that fits you best.

become a truthseeker

reclaim your masculinity

reclaim your masculinity

– You Will Know The Truth, The Truth Will Set You Free. –

true meaning of honor

Embark on a journey where honor is paramount

In an era where evil freely roams the world

Seeking to extinguish the light of righteousness

A time when brave warriors stand up for what’s right

Desperately trying to protect the very core values of humanity.

stay connected

Your Competitive Advantage in a World of Darkness